Published: HR Pulse – Five Tips to ensure you Ace your Next Job Interview
I am a big advocate of my candidates preparing for their interviews. I always send them my client’s website and the names of the person (or people) that they will be meeting with so they can research them.
I even go as far as to encourage them to ‘cyber-stalk’ their interviewees as it’s good to know what sort of a background they are coming from as this will influence their line of questioning.
I do however feel that there is such a thing as over-preparing for your interview and this will probably result in you coming across as very ‘wooden’ and lacking in passion. You will also be trying so hard to remember what you have read the ‘best’ answer will be that you will not answer what has been asked of you. Remember to be yourself and not just give ‘textbook’ style answers.
Follow these Five Tips and you will Ace every Interview that you Attend:
- Arrive 10 minutes earlier for your Interview: Do not arrive any earlier or any later for your appointment. There is nothing worse than having to sit in the reception area while people stare at the potential ‘new guy’ whilst rating you out of ten. I do not need to go into too much detail about why you shouldn’t be late for an interview. Ever. No excuses will ever be good enough to come back from being late for an interview! Just don’t do it.
- Dress to Impress: By this, I do not mean dress like Wonder Woman because you always wanted to be her! You need to always look smart to make your first impression count. This is easy for men as you should always wear a suit – I insist that a tie is a must but a jacket is optional depending on the role that you are interviewing for. For the Ladies, black and white is always a good combination and looks smart. Just remember the obvious pointers of no short skirts, plunging necklines, bright red lipstick etc