vanessa raath tech recruitment

Published: HR Pulse – How to design your Recruitment Strategy & Job Description when hiring IT Professionals

I’ve been in the business of recruiting IT professionals for the past four years and I’ve never met such an interesting, intelligent and quirky bunch of people in my life. Taking this into account, I strongly feel that we need to consider the uniqueness of IT professionals in our recruitment strategy when we write job descriptions as well as the way we interview these people. Many IT professionals change jobs quite frequently as they constantly look for new challenges. These new challenges need to be highlighted in the job descriptions you write.

4 Ways to get a software developer’s attention in a job description

1. Software developers aren’t wordy people and many prefer their virtual friends to their colleagues so they aren’t always big into spoken communication. This means you need to keep your job descriptions concise and always include any new languages or software that these guys may be exposed to, even if it is in its beta version.

2. Mention any exciting companies you’re working with/consulting to. IT professionals like to work with well-known companies as it looks good on their CVs

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