Brainfood Live On Air | Ep198 | Mental Challenges of the Neurodiverse – Real Talk from Recruitment Heroes

Mental Challenge of the Neurodiverse: Real Talk from Recruiter Heroes

An important change of pace to Brainfood Live today. I was approached by Balazs, Michael and Vanessa to do a show on the topic of neurodiversity within our OWN community, and especially on the value of confessionals which can help others understand the different types of neurodiversity, how they can be manifested and expressed, what challenges this can mean for the individual and what challenges it can mean for others around them!

This is real talk folks from friends who are prepared to care and share. Nobody is going to be an expert here, we are all just going to talk about what we know and how simply doing that may be step 1 in creating a healthier environment for human relations.

We’re with Vanessa Raath, Founder (The Talent Hunter), Mike ‘Batman’ Cohen, Founder (Wayne Technologies), Balazs Paroczay, Founder, (The Source Code Agency)

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